Meetings & Events

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Calendar of AAS Events for 2024/2025

Please look out for further notices regarding in-person meetings 
   (look out for notices here and on )




In Person and Online Meeting

Start 7:00pm

(Zoom Start 7.30pm)
Informal Meeting
Meeting at Bettridge Centre, Newtonhill 

In-person from 7 pm for informal chat and tea/coffee etc in the Bettridge Centre kitchen. Enter via the side entrance and up the stairs.

also available online to members, via Zoom (from 7:30 pm)

(Directions to Bettridge Centre)

In Person

Start  :  TBA
AAS Dinner

Details : TBA 

Restaurant in Aberdeen,, Details TBA

In Person and Online Meeting

Start 7:00pm

(Zoom Start 7.30pm)
Informal Meeting
Meeting at Bettridge Centre, Newtonhill 

In-person from 7 pm for informal chat and tea/coffee etc in the Bettridge Centre kitchen. Enter via the side entrance and up the stairs.

also available online to members, via Zoom (from 7:30 pm)

(Directions to Bettridge Centre)
In Person and Online Meeting

Start 7:00pm

(Zoom Start 7.30pm)
Informal Meeting
Meeting at Bettridge Centre, Newtonhill 

In-person from 7 pm for informal chat and tea/coffee etc in the Bettridge Centre kitchen. Enter via the side entrance and up the stairs.

also available online to members, via Zoom (from 7:30 pm)

(Directions to Bettridge Centre)
In Person and Online Meeting

Start 7:00pm

(Zoom Start 7.30pm)
Informal Meeting
Meeting at Bettridge Centre, Newtonhill 

In-person from 7 pm for informal chat and tea/coffee etc in the Bettridge Centre kitchen. Enter via the side entrance and up the stairs.

also available online to members, via Zoom (from 7:30 pm)

(Directions to Bettridge Centre)
In Person and Online Meeting

Start 7:00pm

(Zoom Start 7.30pm)
Informal Meeting
Meeting at Bettridge Centre, Newtonhill 

In-person from 7 pm for informal chat and tea/coffee etc in the Bettridge Centre kitchen. Enter via the side entrance and up the stairs.

also available online to members, via Zoom (from 7:30 pm)

(Directions to Bettridge Centre)
In Person and Online Meeting

Start 7:00pm

(Zoom Start 7.30pm)
Informal Meeting
Meeting at Bettridge Centre, Newtonhill 

In-person from 7 pm for informal chat and tea/coffee etc in the Bettridge Centre kitchen. Enter via the side entrance and up the stairs.

also available online to members, via Zoom (from 7:30 pm)

(Directions to Bettridge Centre)
Past Events (2024/2025)    
In Person and Online Meeting

Start 7:00pm

(Zoom Start 7.30pm)
Informal Meeting
Meeting at Bettridge Centre, Newtonhill 

In-person from 7 pm for informal chat and tea/coffee etc in the Bettridge Centre kitchen. Enter via the side entrance and up the stairs.

also available online to members, via Zoom (from 7:30 pm)

(Directions to Bettridge Centre)
In Person and Online Meeting

Start 7:00pm

(Zoom Start 7.30pm)
Informal Meeting
Meeting at Bettridge Centre, Newtonhill 

In-person from 7 pm for informal chat and tea/coffee etc in the Bettridge Centre kitchen. Enter via the side entrance and up the stairs.

also available online to members, via Zoom (from 7:30 pm)

(Directions to Bettridge Centre)

In Person and Online Meeting

Start 7:00pm

"From Ptolemy to Copernicus; 1400 years of little or no astronomy progress - really?” 

by Neville Browne, AAS Member

RGC (Stevenson Lecture Theatre), Aberdeen, 7 pm 
(Directions to RGC)


In Person and Online Meeting

Start 7:00pm

"Astronomy Basics"
– short talks by AAS members

RGC (Stevenson Lecture Theatre), Aberdeen, 7 pm 
(Directions to RGC)
** This is an ideal meeting for beginners **

Attend in person to allow us to meet you and vice versa

- Introduction to the night sky - Rhona
- How stars got their names - Neville
- Introduction to deep-sky catalogues - Neal
- T Corona Borealis, 'the blaze star' - Neal


In Person  

Open to AAS Members &
the Public
Evening Event  

"Stargazing in the Botanic Gardens"
Aberdeen University

(weather permitting)

Aberdeen University, Cruickshank Gardens (next to Zoology Dept)
View the University's new advanced 16" telescope, alongside its existing 10"-aperture telescope, and take part in stargazing in the University's Botanic Gardens

Organised by the University of Aberdeen and supported by the Aberdeen Astronomical Society, Friends of the Cruickshank Botanic Garden and STEM Learning (UK), this event provides an opportunity for public and educational engagement in astronomy and astrophysics at amateur, school, and university levels.

* Participants are welcome to bring portable astronomical telescopes and binoculars to the event. 

* Please dress appropriately for cold and changeable weather conditions when stargazing.

* More Info on this event 

* Booking Online (required)

In Person and Online Meeting

Start 7:00pm

(Zoom Start 7.30pm)
Informal Meeting
Meeting at Bettridge Centre, Newtonhill 

In-person from 7:00 pm for informal chat and tea/coffee etc in the Bettridge Centre kitchen. Enter via the side entrance and up the stairs.

also available online to members, via Zoom (from 7:30 pm)

(Directions to Bettridge Centre)

In Person and Online Meeting

Start 7:00pm

Talk about Supernova
"Title: TBA"

by David Richards, AAS Member

RGC (Stevenson Lecture Theatre), Aberdeen, 7 pm 
(Directions to RGC)

In Person and Online Meeting

Start 7:00pm

(Zoom Start 7.30pm)
Informal Meeting
Meeting at Bettridge Centre, Newtonhill 

In-person from 7:00pm  for informal chat and tea/coffee etc in the Bettridge Centre kitchen. Enter via the side entrance and up the stairs.

also available online to members, via Zoom (from 7:30 pm)

(Directions to Bettridge Centre)
In Person and Online Meeting

Start 7:00pm

(Zoom Start 7.30pm)
Meeting - Christmas Quiz

Bring your Christmas Snacks & Drinks

Christmas Meeting at Bettridge Centre, Newtonhill 

In-person from 7:00 pm for informal chat and tea/coffee etc in the Bettridge Centre kitchen. Enter via the side entrance and up the stairs.

Bring your Christmas Snacks & Drinks

also available online to members, via Zoom (from 7:30 pm)

(Directions to Bettridge Centre)

In Person and Online Meeting

Start 7:00pm

"Title: "Exploring Ocean Worlds"
Presenter: Dr Miracle Nazarious
Research Fellow
Aberdeen University

RGC (Stevenson Lecture Theatre), Aberdeen, 7 pm 
(Directions to RGC)

In Person and Online Meeting

Start 7:00pm

(Zoom Start 7.30pm)
Informal Meeting
Meeting at Bettridge Centre, Newtonhill 

In-person from 7 pm for informal chat and tea/coffee etc in the Bettridge Centre kitchen. Enter via the side entrance and up the stairs.

also available online to members, via Zoom (from 7:30 pm)

(Directions to Bettridge Centre)

Online Meeting

Start 7:00pm

Talk about 
Solar Orbiting Observatories

"Title: TBA"

by Sheri Karl, AAS Member

Zoom Meeting only

Note: RGC Holiday, so Zoom Meeting only

In Person and Online Meeting

Start 7:00pm

(Zoom Start 7.30pm)
Informal Meeting
Meeting at Bettridge Centre, Newtonhill 

In-person from 7 pm for informal chat and tea/coffee etc in the Bettridge Centre kitchen. Enter via the side entrance and up the stairs.

also available online to members, via Zoom (from 7:30 pm)

(Directions to Bettridge Centre)

In Person and  Online Meeting?

Start 7:00pm

John Reid Memorial Lecture:

by Dr Alex Hall  from the Royal Observatory Edinburgh (ROE)
"The Euclid Mission"

RGC (Stevenson Lecture Theatre), Aberdeen, 7 pm 
(Directions to RGC)

or via Google-Meet

ESA's Euclid mission is designed to explore the composition and evolution of the dark Universe. The space telescope will create a great map of the large-scale structure of the Universe across space and time by observing billions of galaxies out to 10 billion light-years, across more than a third of the sky. Euclid will explore how the Universe has expanded and how structure has formed over cosmic history, revealing more about the role of gravity and the nature of dark energy and dark matter.



Meetings/Talks 2nd Tuesday of Month unless otherwise stated,
 7:30pm start unless otherwise stated
On ZOOM (directions to RGC - if/ when meetings resume) 
Meetings at Bettridge Centre  4th Tuesday of Month (except Dec),  
 7:30pm start unless otherwise stated
(directions to Bettridge Centre, Newtonhill
In Person (from 07:00/07:15) and via ZOOM (from 07:30)
Dark Sky Observing -  Knockburn Loch. Look out for notices from Neal Weston
AAS Members Only
Previous AAS Meetings & Events (2005 to 2023) >> 
Return to Top   

(   In person at Stevenson Lecture Theatre, RGC and via Zoom (Directions to RGC) )

Previous Meeting in March

Tuesday 11th March 2025
  7:00 - 9:00 pm
Meeting/Talk - John Reid Memorial Lecture
"The Euclid Mission"
by Dr Alex Hall from 
the Royal Observatory,
at Robert Gordon's College, Aberdeen
or via Google-Meet
(Directions to RGC)  


All photographs on this website are the copyright of AAS members.  Please contact AAS before using them.