Aberdeen's Night Sky

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Latest Weather
(incl MetOffice Rainfall Radar)

Auroral and 
Solar Activity
Star Charts
of Jupiter
Weather ISS & Other


Auroral and Solar Activity

Current Solar Wind   :  Space Weather Enthusiasts Dashboard
Webcam : You can sometimes see auroral activity on the 
Met Office webcam at Aboyne
Current Geomagnetic activity 

Magnetometer readings can provide an indication of ongoing geomagnetic activity.

Graph to left shows real-time data for today from SAMNET's magnetometer at Crooktree, Near Torphins, Aberdeenshire 

The graph shows the North-South (H) component of the magnetic field as a black line, with a typical quiet day shown in blue. The difference between the current field and a quiet day is plotted as a colour-coded bar chart: green for quiet, orange for active and red for stormy. Times are in UT. (More Chart Explanation)


Credit : AuroraWatch UK :  [ http://aurorawatch.lancs.ac.uk/ ]


Forecasts : There are a number of web sites which provide a forecast of potential auroral activity: 
Links to Solar Terrestrial Dispatch forecasts:
Latest Forecast Notes
Latest Auroral Activity Watch (activity possible)
Latest Auroral Activity Warning (activity likely)
 (more Links )
Webcam : You can sometimes see auroral activity on the 
Met Office webcam at Aboyne


Sign-Up Alerts : There are a number of aurora alerts services that you can sign up to :
See Auroral Photos 
on Gallery Page 


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Star Charts

Aberdeen Night Sky - S&TChart : Try out Sky & Telescope's excellent Interactive Sky Chart for a view of Aberdeen's Night Sky.  Click on the image to the right to display the map.  For help on this utility, click here.  If you're having problems displaying the map, click here.  You may need to reset your location and time zone or install the latest version of Java Virtual Machine.
Hints: Click or drag the green polygon around the map to change the view in the inset window. Resize your display to 800x600 or larger for best results.



Monthly Sky Map & Notes : Check out BBC Monthly Sky Map & Notes for information about what's in the sky this month.


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Phases of the Moon 

Not currently available.

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Satellites of Jupiter

Not currently available.

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Metoffice Web Cam
at Aboyne
(click on above picture)

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International Space Station Visibility

Heavens Above.  Click the Heavens-Above icon to the right for details of International Space Station passes visible from Aberdeen in the next ten days.  The Heavens-Above website has details of other bright satellites, such as the Space Shuttle when it is in orbit.
NASA - ISS Sightings from Aberdeen 
ISS Sightings from Aberdeen

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Sidereal Time Clock

Sidereal Time Clock (developed by Jeff Fysh, AAS)


All photographs on this website are the copyright of AAS members.  Please contact AAS before using them.