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If you would like to find out more about AAS then please
come along to one of our meetings at the RGC
(Robert Gordon's College) or Bettridge Centre - see directions
Anyone is welcome to become a member, please contact us through above
email address.
You can join AAS at any of our meetings.
Come and try us out for a trial
meeting at no charge.
Annual membership fees are: |
Adults: £20
Concessions £12 (senior citizens, students, children, etc)
Household: £30
Organisation: £30
Non-members: £2.50 may be charged for special events, such as guest speakers.
Children must be accompanied by an adult.
You can pay the fee at any of our meetings or by posting an application form to
us. The membership form (2023+) can be downloaded from here
(.docx file). If you don't have Microsoft Word, contact us by e-mail and we'll send an
alternative format.
AAS members are expected to abide by the Rules of the AAS Constitution, which
can be viewed by clicking here.
A Privacy Notice for the Aberdeen Astronomical Society can be viewed here
(.docx file)
Come and try us out for a trial
meeting at no charge at RGC (Robert Gordon's
College), Aberdeen (normally 2nd Tuesday of the month, Sept to Apr during
term times) or Bettridge
Centre, Newtonhill (normally 4th Tuesday of the month, except
Dec). Dates and times of meeting are listed on our Events
Directions to RGC
(Robert Gordon's College), Aberdeen
RGC lies on Schoolhill, next to Aberdeen Art
Go through front gate of the College and follow the signs.

Heading South from Aberdeen, go past Portlethen and take the
left off the A90 signed Newtonhill. Go straight ahead at the
roundabout, down Newtonhill Road with a football pitch and play
park on the right. At the foot of the road turn right at the
"Bettridge Centre" Sign. Follow the road for 100
metres and the Bettridge Centre is the large building nearest
the sea/Coastal Park. Ample parking is available.
A map showing the location of Bettridge Centre/Newtonhill can be found by clicking
We'll be in the upstairs meeting room if it's cloudy,
outside around the back if it's clear. Bring your telescopes if
you have them, but don't worry if you don't as there will be a
few on hand.